Thursday 6 January 2011

Effect of Girls on Boys, Ladder Climbing and Meccano Building!

Some of you may remember from my Facebook post a couple of months ago, that I had a broken hearted son when his girlfriend dumped him and went out with his best friend.  This was soon fixed on that occasion with a homemade pizza.  (To follow that event, two days later, she dumped his friend and moved onto her next victim!)

Today, I was marched into town after school with the demand of getting his haircut.  This from a child who was determined not to have short hair until the summer as he said he wanted to keep his head warm.  I had tried nagging, cajoling and bribing to try and get him tidied up, but he was absolutely adament that his blond locks were staying - in the end I'd taken to blow drying it after his shower to try and keep it under some sort of control.

Eventually, whilst cooking tea, he told me the reason why he'd had such a massive change of heart - a girl in the other class had asked to kiss him whilst they were lining up to go into lessons!  Tomorrow will be the big day when he and his friend are going up against each other to attempt to win her affections, therefore he needs to look his best, complete with new spikey hair (only slightly spikey as it's now so short!), and the request of a squirt of his step-dad's after shave (compromised with some Lynx shower gel tonight and a little Lynx body spray in the morning!)

All this and he's only 7!

And then, to top this evening off, Ben pottered off to play with Robert in Robert and James' bedroom, for me to be called by an excited Robert because Ben had managed to climb the ladder of his bunk bed and was happily bouncing up and down!

Aaaaarrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!  I went upstairs and found Ben looking very pleased with himself, cuddled up with Robert's teddy (shh! don't tell the potential girlfriend he has a teddy in his bed!), perched on the top bunk!  After much persuasion, I eventually got him down, encouraged him downstairs, then promptly blocked the way to the ladder with a toy box and wash basket.

Within five minutes, Ben was dragging Robert upstairs to play again, two minutes after that and I was being called again because Ben had scaled the box and the basket and was bouncing away quite happily again on Robert's bed.

Now I'm left desperately trying to outwit my little monkey, without inducing the frustrated nearly terrible two's screaming session!  Who will win this battle?  Worse case, I've shown him each time how to climb down the ladder backwards, which when combined with his Tumble Tots sessions, may limit any damage!

In other news, James finished building his Christmas Meccano car - very proud of him because he managed it almost completely on his own, and persevered with it over about four building sessions!

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