Monday 10 January 2011

Family Bits from Today!

Well, finished the cooking bloggy bit so on with the family!

Ben returned to Tumble Tots today after the Christmas break and what a difference in him!

Before Christmas, he would only go on the climbing apparatus once per session, and it took so much cajoling that it felt like I was forcing him, but today he absolutely loved it!  He only played with the footballs for about two minutes, and "Bam Bamed" on the trampoline three times as he just wanted to climb and slide.  He even sat down and joined in the group songs without complaining.  I'd spent a while before going today, weighing up whether it was really worth the £5+ per session fee, but I was so pleased we went.

Ben also learnt to drink from a normal cup, unaided today - with minimal spills, thanks to him forcing it on his Daddy at lunchtime, who very kindly gave him about a centimetre of lemonade.  Unfortunately, this has meant that Ben has spent most of the afternoon and evening telling me to "Mooooo" (Move) and forcing me into the kitchen to pour another few drops into his cup!

It was also the first time that Ben really seemed to listen to songs on the radio - he heard Palomo Faith's song "Upside Down" twice and each time got excited with the word "Down" and joined in!

We had a very quiet tea time as James was out at a birthday party and then spent what felt like most of the evening acting as Mum Taxi for party pickup and Boys Brigade.  Si's working away tonight but feel that my evening as a "Single Mum" went very smoothly with Ben in bed from 7.30, and the boys asleep by 9.30.  One small confession - it only went so well because Grandad was here and helped with the final pick up!

And so, time for a chat with Si then a relatively early night!

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