Saturday 15 January 2011

Stroppy Baby!

Not been a happy mummy today!

Ben woke up at 11 last night and was an absolute pain.  I went to him and comforted him, but everytime I aid him down, he cried and cried.  It took over two hours to settle him and then he woke up at 6.30 this morning.

It's generally been like walking a tightrope all day - a little shake becomes a bigger wobble and it amplifies until you fall off, into a whole realm of screaming and tantrums.

Lunch time, not putting his coat on fast enough, taking his shoes off, changing his damp clothes, picking him up, putting him down, almost everything became a stress.  I guess that's the challenge of being a parent - no matter how tired you are, how much you want to stand there and scream, you have to remain the adult and not get snappy.

Everytime Ben starts on one of his strops, it's so horrible.  I try so hard to work out what's wrong and fix it but sometimes it's frustrating because he's so frustrated, and nothing seems to work.

I feel quite guilty because Ben went to bed without a bath tonight - he normally has one every night, but I really couldn't face it this evening.  I'm hoping that having his "Bobert" back tomorrow may make all the difference, although that increases the guilty feelings as I'm relying on the help of a 7YO to make looking after my baby easier.

Anyway, let's stash those feelings for tonight and continue to enjoy the full feeling from our lovely Frankie and Benny tea!

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